Classification of air control valves
The element that controls and regulates the compressed air pressure is called the pressure control valve; the element that controls and regulates the compressed air flow is called the flow control valve; the element that changes and controls the direction of airflow movement is called the directional control valve. In addition to the above three types of control valves, there are also logic elements that can complete a certain logical function, including jet elements with no movable components within the components and pneumatic logic elements with movable components. In the structural principle, the logic element is basically the same as the direction control valve, only the volume and diameter are small, generally used to complete the logical operation of the signal.
With the miniaturization of pneumatic components and the large number of applications of PLC control in the pneumatic system, the application scale of pneumatic logic components is gradually decreasing. From the control mode, pneumatic control can be divided into two categories: intermittent control and continuous control. In the intermittent control system, the pressure control valve and flow control valve are usually used to complete the program; in the continuous control system, in addition to the pressure and flow control valve, servo, proportional control valve, so as to control the system.
Operation principle of the air control valve
The mixed outlet of the air control valve is equipped with a thermal element, and the valve uses the characteristics of the original temperature sensing element to move the valve core, and the plugging may open the cold and hot water inlet. In blocking cold water at the same time open hot water, when the temperature conditioning knob set a temperature, regardless of cold, hot water inlet temperature, pressure change, into the outlet of cold, hot water ratio also change, so that the water temperature remain constant, temperature knob can be set in the product rule temperature scale, constant temperature mixed water valve will automatically keep the water temperature
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